About the Project

Greater Manchester Levy Matchmaking Service will facilitate funding transfers to create more apprenticeship opportunities across the city region

Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) commissioned the Growth Company in early 2019 to develop and deliver an online apprenticeship Levy Matchmaking Service that ensures as many levy payers (public and private sector) as possible transfer unspent funds to non-levy payers negating the need for them to pay the 5% co-investment costs.

With Levy paying organisations now able to transfer up to 50% of their funds to other employers there was a need to make this as simple a process as possible for both parties to ensure maximum levy investment is retained in GM, 

Employers large and small can register on this website to transfer or receive funds from their apprenticeship digital accounts covering the training costs of a specified apprentice.

Greater Manchester’s apprenticeship ambition:

Greater Manchester will lead the way in Apprenticeship employment, providing quality opportunities for learning and development

More of our employers than ever before will see the contribution that high quality, sustainable Apprenticeships can make to their business and their workforce

Our residents will be inspired and supported to make decisions about how an Apprenticeship can support their personal and professional development

In Greater Manchester Apprenticeships, create more and better opportunities for anyone looking to develop their career at any time.